
Maciaszek Brown Law

Focusing on relationships, producing
better outcomes

Divorce and Separation


Looking out for you should your relationship break down

At Maciaszek Brown Law, we understand that dealing with the breakdown of a relationship is stressful and can lead to a journey into unfamiliar territory. You can trust our team of family lawyers to look after you, to understand your needs and provide expert legal advice to ensure you make an informed decision which is right for you.

We help you to resolve problems you may face from relationship breakdowns to achieve the best outcome for you and your children.

With the right advice and support we will assist you through the process of:

  1. Promoting the best interests of your children when planning for their care and contact arrangements.
  2. Reaching agreement on the division of relationship property which may involve the family home and business and properties owned in a trust
  3. Helping you understand the requirements for ongoing parental contributions towards the maintenance of the children
  4. Applying for a Protection Order if there is domestic violence to ensure the safety of you and your children.
  5. Dissolving the marriage (also known as Getting a Divorce).

We believe in providing good quality legal services to call and can help you to obtain a Grant of Legal Aid to assist you in paying for our services.

Family Law


Family Law is something which affects us all in so many different ways and is not just something that happens when you there is a breakdown in a relationship.  Our team of experienced family lawyers can help you with:

  1. Providing for your children in a way that protects them from potential claims by a spouse or partner
  2. Relationship Property and Contracting Out Agreements (pre- nuptial agreements)
  3. Reaching agreement on the division of relationship property after separation
  4. Arrangements for the care of children upon separation
  5. Paternity
  6. Adoption
  7. Separation and Dissolutions of Marriage (Divorce)
  8. Domestic Violence and Protection

We know that most people would like to avoid going to Court it if possible. Our family lawyers strive to resolve any issues for their clients by negotiation and mediation on behalf of our clients with the aim of reducing the cost and additional stress of going to Court.

However, should your matter need to go to Court, we have a long and proud history of advocating for our clients in Court to achieve the best possible outcome.

Looking out for you should your relationship break down

At Maciaszek Brown Law, we understand that dealing with the breakdown of a relationship is stressful and can lead to a journey into unfamiliar territory. You can trust our team of family lawyers to look after you, to understand your needs and provide expert legal advice to ensure you make an informed decision which is right for you.

We help you to resolve problems you may face from relationship breakdowns to achieve the best outcome for you and your children.

With the right advice and support we will assist you through the process of: –

  1. Promoting the best interests of your children when planning for their care and contact arrangements.
  2. Reaching agreement on the division of relationship property which may involve the family home and business and properties owned in a trust
  3. Helping you understand the requirements for ongoing parental contributions towards the maintenance of the children
  4. Applying for a Protection Order if there is domestic violence to ensure the safety of you and your children.
  5. Dissolving the marriage (also known as Getting a Divorce).

We believe in providing good quality legal services to call and can help you to obtain a Grant of Legal Aid to assist you in paying for our services.

Family Law is something which affects us all in so many different ways and is not just something that happens when you there is a breakdown in a relationship.  Our team of experienced family lawyers can help you with

  1. Providing for your children in a way that protects them from potential claims by a spouse or partner
  2. Relationship Property and Contracting Out Agreements (pre- nuptial agreements)
  3. Reaching agreement on the division of relationship property after separation
  4. Arrangements for the care of children upon separation
  5. Paternity
  6. Adoption
  7. Separation and Dissolutions of Marriage (Divorce)
  8. Domestic Violence and Protection

We know that most people would like to avoid going to Court it if possible. Our family lawyers strive to resolve any issues for their clients by negotiation and mediation on behalf of our clients with the aim of reducing the cost and additional stress of going to Court.

However, should your matter need to go to Court, we have a long and proud history of advocating for our clients in Court to achieve the best possible outcome.

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Our specialist legal team is here to help


Our specialist legal team
is here to help


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